Libresse “Be Super, Be A Star” Music Video Contest Finale event
Ahad, Oktober 17, 2010
Libresse “Be Super, Be A Star” Music Video Contest Finale event | Holla.. You know something? Contest Libresse “Be Super, Be A Star” Music Video?? They already have their winner!! On October 13, 2010, venue at Laundry, The Curve. I’ve been invited by Acorn Communication Sdn Bhd and SCA Hygiene Malaysia Sdn Bhd to attend Libresse “Be Super, Be A Star” Music Video Contest Finale event.
Libresse “Be Super, Be A Star” Music Video Contest Finale event

Thank you to the organizer that invited me and for the best picture, i have invite Tian Chad as my partner, buddies and photographer. Hehe. Nice work he has done and Thank you again Tian Chad!
Arrival of Celebrities

“Expect to be ‘star-struck’ when celebrities like acclaimed Malaysian entertainer Adibah Noor and the Chong Sisters of Amazing Race Asia fame join young Malaysian singer-songwriter, Yuna at the “Be Super, Be A Star” Music Video Contest Finale event.
Organised by Libresse®, an international feminine hygiene product brand, the event will be jam-packed with exciting activities including the official unveiling of the “Be Super, Be A Star” Music Video starring 20 talented young Malaysian winners as well as a live performance by Yuna.”

“We wanted to reach out to young women and we felt one the best ways was through music as it speaks to the younger generation. We believe young women out there will be able to relate to the lyrics and we trust it will inspire them to realize their true potential with confidence” – Mrs Faye Yong.
Grand Prize winner, Azira Nur Bt Anhar, he got RM 5000 cash!! Awesome and great job Azura! I’m really like her hair..

Second Prize Winner won RM 3,000. Ilya Nabilah!!! Congratz!

Third Prize Winner, Siti Alia Aisyah Omar. rm 2,000!!! wOOOTTZZ!! Belanja akak makan eh..

Extravaganza Blurperssss…

So congrats to all and thank you to everyone that make this event running smoothly.

PERHATIAN: Pihak RUBY.MY tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas komen-komen yang diberikan oleh pembaca. Sila pastikan anda fikir terlebih dahulu sebelum meninggalkan komen yang berbaur negatif. Segala komen adalah hak dan tanggungjawab anda sendiri.
Setiap penulisan dan komen adalah termaktub dalam Akta Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia 1998. Akta ini merupakan undang-undang siber yang digubal di Malaysia pada 15 Oktober 1998, dan mendapat perkenan Yang di-Pertuan Agong pada 23 September 1998. Ia mula berkuatkuasa pada 1 April 1999.
Seseorang yang melanggar atau melakukan kesalahan akan disabitkan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM50,000 atau dipenjarakan selama tempoh tidak melebihi satu tahun atau kedua-duanya dan juga boleh didenda selanjutnya RM1,000 bagi setiap hari atau sebahagian daripada sehari kesalahan diteruskan selepas pensabitan.